Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm walking and it's against my wishes.

This is just a post to say I'm tired and I don't want to go walk on the treadmill...which is exactly why I am going to go walk on the treadmill. Plus, Hopper time. I really enjoy the hour of alternate walking and continuous talking with my kid. Plus, she picks out cute movies. We last left off in the middle of Disney's 'Tangled' so will probably be finishing that this evening. The movie tugs on my urge to paint things so much.

I wish I could sleep instead of walk, but. That wouldn't make having written goal 1 worth the time or ink or paper, ya know?


  1. Is there another time you could walk, such as during your lunch break or in the morning?

    Also, do you have something to entertain yourself while you're walking -- listening to great music or a podcast, watching a DVD, or even reading a book? (I don't know how people can read on the treadmill, but I've seen it done. Myself, I'd fall right off.)

  2. Hi Jen! I'm hoping to become more consistent with my current plan which is: go to the gym M, W, F at lunch time - which is the best and easiest time to put that kind of time in, for me. And then walk on the T-mill at home with my daughter T, Th, Sa.

    It's easier to walk at home because my daughter picks movies for us to watch to pass the time - like you suggested. The gym is harder because I don't have earphones and I hate wearing them...so I watch closed captioning and walk on the T-mill there. I hear you about the reading thing. I tried that, it was HARD!
