Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Feelin like a Dog

The one thing I find it tough to do now that I'm not including simple carbs and sugar in my diet is: have an appetite. And, according to my food charting, I am not eating enough calories. Even my food chart calculator thing (I use an online one) gives me warnings of not eating enough calories and therefore storing fat rather than burning it. So, I may have to set a timer and start planning for food on a schedule like we set for infants. I don't pick at food. I don't go "bored food hunting." I don't have giant cravings I can't control. I don't stay hungry after I eat something.

I still get hungry, just not as frequently nor as close to whenever it was I ate last. So, the carbs-cutting has helped to regulate that "hungry for no reason" thing that used to set off quite a bit, but it's also kicked away the mechanism that says "feed yourself" to where I don't even think to eat until I'm monster hungry...hours and hours later. That's not good for working my metabolism and I'm not losing any weight. I have even gained a pound and my diet isn't ugly!

I met with Ivana yesterday and she looked at my food log and said "You're not eating enough calories." and I thought to myself, "So my electronic calorie counter keeps yelling at me."

So... I have to find ways of eating more often even if I'm not particularly hungry. And I guess that will make it so that I am never monster hungry? And things will stay in balance. IN A PERFECT WORLD, right? :D

Exercise will definitely help with my metabolism, so I am depending on that a little.. but I may have to set reminders in my phone to beep when it's time to eat. How Pavlovian.

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